Rare CPAP machine tips that are quite helpful

Rare CPAP machine tips that are quite helpful

CPAP machines are a great solution for those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. Our last blog post discussed the many advantages. These advantages included CPAP therapy such as keeping your airway open during sleep, minimizing snoring, and improving fatigue and daytime sleepiness. 

The CPAP mask, which carries air from the CPAP machine Australia to your mouth and nose, is a fundamental part of your CPAP treatment. 

Rare CPAP machine tips

Therefore, it is essential that your CPAP mask is as comfortable as possible while providing a secure fit around your face. Most CPAP masks are available in most clinic stores in Australia. When buying a new CPAP machine, it is essential to ask your sleep doctor what type of mask is right for you and to make sure to adjust the pressure settings to two pressure settings

Additionally, if you are having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep, you may want to try different sleep positions or a BiPAP machine. For those with obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines are a great way to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. 

CPAP Australia provides a range of CPAP masks, from the traditional full-face mask to the more modern nasal pillow mask, so you can find the one that fits you best. 

It is important to find the right CPAP machine for your needs, as well as to adjust the pressure settings to ensure you are comfortable. If you are considering a new CPAP machine, then you should seek advice from your sleep doctor. 

Fortunately, most CPAP masks

Fortunately, most CPAP masks on the market today are specifically designed to do just that – provide a good night’s sleep without causing any pain or discomfort. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various types of CPAP masks available from CPAP Direct and CPAP Australia, including nasal pillow masks, nasal masks, and other pressure machine devices.

What kinds of CPAP machines are available for people with sleep apnea?

CPAP machines, also known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines, are used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea. They come in three primary categories: nasal masks, nasal pillow masks, and full-face masks. Nasal masks cover only the nose and are generally lighter than full-face masks, which cover both the nose and mouth. Nasal pillow masks are even lighter and offer greater openness and visibility. 

When selecting a CPAP mask

When selecting a CPAP mask, it is important to consider factors such as size, comfort, and seal. Most CPAP masks come in all sizes, so it is possible to choose one that fits comfortably. A larger mask may provide a stronger barrier against leakage, improving CPAP therapy. 

Also, a larger mask may be necessary if you have facial hair, as this will help create a better seal. On the other hand, if you are claustrophobic, a smaller mask may be more suitable. Ultimately, this is a matter of personal choice and your doctor can help you try on different masks to determine the best fit.

When selecting a CPAP mask

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is important to seek out the right CPAP machine for you. CPAP machines come in three varieties. 

  • Fixed pressure
  • APAP
  • BiPAP machines

Fixed pressure machines have one pressure setting. APAP machines have two pressure settings, and BiPAP machines have two pressure settings but can alternate between them. Your sleep doctor will help you decide which machine is best for you based on your sleep position, pressure settings, and skin irritation. 

Additionally, there are other varieties of CPAP machines that may be used to treat sleep apnea, such as total face machines, oral machines, and hybrid machines. However, these are not as common as the three previously mentioned and are usually only prescribed if your condition is more serious. 

It is also important to remember to wear your mask, as this is the most common treatment and will help you get a good night’s sleep. If the mask is uncomfortable, you could forget to wear it or take it off during the night, leading to the same symptoms you had before you were diagnosed.

Consider choosing two CPAP machine

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines are used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea and are often accompanied by CPAP masks. Finding the right CPAP mask can take a few tries, however, some individuals have opted to own two CPAP machines which they alternate between. 

Why use two?

For those with environmental allergies and/or a deviated septum, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines can help to provide relief. CPAP therapy is a common treatment for sleep apnea and other breathing problems, and the CPAP Australia range offers a variety of masks to suit individual needs. 

From nasal pillow masks and nasal masks to full face masks, most CPAP masks are designed to be comfortable, but if your face needs a break, CPAP Direct can help you find the right mask for you. After facial surgery, CPAP therapy may still be necessary, and CPAP device providers can provide masks that won’t contact the affected area. With the right CPAP machine and mask, you can be sure to get the best air pressure to help you breathe easier

But take note…

Never compromise on the quality of care when it comes to your CPAP treatment for sleep apnea. If you are considering switching from a full face mask to a nasal or pillows mask, you may want to ask your equipment provider about chin straps, which can help ensure that your mouth remains closed during therapy. Obstructive Sleep Apnea therapy is less effective if your mouth is open, and the lack of humidification won’t make you comfortable. Be aware of when to update your CPAP supplies; it is essential when you have multiple CPAP machines. 

When selecting a CPAP mask

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your CPAP device and its components, you should know when to change mask components, machine filters, and water chambers, as well as how to properly clean and store them. Keeping them clean and stored in a sealed plastic bag away from sunlight will extend their lifespan, especially if you use them alternatively.

Read more about:

Adjust your CPAP machines to suit your needs with these tips

Adjust your CPAP machines to suit your needs with these tips

A serious sleeping issue is sleep apnea. Numerous symptoms, including loud snoring, make up the sleep apnea syndrome. However, the disorder is considerably more widespread than merely snoring.

David Epstein, DDS, and Nikita Vakil, DMD, of The Woodlands Dental Group, have created a blog article in which they provide five recommendations for becoming used to using cpap machine.

The illness known as sleep apnea causes you to momentarily cease breathing while you are sleeping. Your body briefly awakens as a result of this, which is often brought on by throat tissue obstructing the airway, allowing you to resume breathing. This process just takes a few seconds, but for someone with narcolepsy, it may happen hundreds of times in the course of a single night.

Unfortunately, this condition may cause daytime fatigue, high blood pressure, a higher risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as a number of other consequences if left untreated. The good news is that sleep apnea may be treated and using a machine that produces constant positive airway pressure is one of the ways that it may be managed (CPAP).

Some useful pointers for adjusting your CPAP machines

Wearing a mask while you sleep is necessary if you use CPAP machines. By pumping air through the mask and into your nose and throat, the machine applies “positive pressure” to your airway. Your airway may stay open as a result. Although a lot of people benefit from these devices, it could take some practice to use them effectively. You may find the following methods helpful in getting used to your new CPAP machine:

Make sure your mask is the proper size and shape.

CPAP machines and masks come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Wearing a full-face mask, for instance, might make some people feel claustrophobic, but others who have difficulties keeping still while they sleep may find that this kind of stability is beneficial. Along with having the right shape, your mask has to have the right size. If a mask has been properly adjusted, there shouldn’t be any pain or discomfort.

Utilize the ramp feature.

If you discover that you are having trouble adjusting to the compelled air flow, think about utilizing the “ramp” option. Your CPAP machines’ ramp setting automatically adjusts the air pressure so that it progressively increases from a lower setting all the way up to the amount you have suggested.

Wear your mask all day long and note how it feels.

Even though you will only need to use your mask when you are sleeping, wearing it throughout the day will help you become acclimated to it. Doing this will help you get acclimated to the feelings you’ll feel before you’re ready to go to bed.

Maintain good sleeping habits.

Whether or whether you use CPAP machines, it is essential to keep up good sleeping patterns. These are listed below:

Regular exercise, abstaining from caffeine and alcohol before bed, sleeping in a cool, dark room, and adhering to a regular bedtime routine each night are all important. In addition, you must use the CPAP machines in accordance with the directions given to you by your physician.

Put a chin strap on to help with the dry mouth issue.

You could get dry mouth if you use a CPAP mask and breathe through your mouth while using the machine. Using a chin strap while you sleep may help prevent dry mouth since it keeps you from opening your mouth. Many CPAP devices come with heated humidifiers to help with this problem.

Devices that are not CPAP machines

If you’ve used CPAP machines in the past but weren’t happy with the results, you should be aware that it’s not your only option for treating sleep apnea. Another option is to use an oral appliance.

The oral appliances we provide will fit comfortably inside of your mouth and gently move your tongue and jaw forward as you sleep. By shifting positions, you may improve your breathing as you sleep by helping to maintain an open airway. In addition, these devices are comfortable, light, and can be adjusted to the wearer’s exact specifications.

Tips for Maintaining Your CPAP Machines Properly

Choosing to invest in a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine if you have sleep apnea is a wise decision that will benefit your general health in the long term.

CPAP machines will provide a steady stream of airway pressure to your throat as you sleep in order to effectively cure the spontaneous breathing pauses. This will ensure that your airway stays open and will treat the sleep apnea disease.

Despite the fact that they may improve your sleep quality and overall health, it is important to keep in mind that if you do not properly maintain these devices, it may increase your chance of contracting various types of illnesses.

Your continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment includes a humidifier chamber, a humidifier chamber, a filter, tubing or hoses, and a mask with cushioning. Failure to clean each of these components on a regular basis might not only cause a reduction in how effectively it operates, but it may also result in a number of health issues, including the following:

  • Contact with bacteria
  • Allergy signs and symptoms
  • The chance of contracting pneumonia or a sinus infection may rise.

You won’t spend a lot of money or time cleaning your CPAP machines. Here are some tips to help you maintain it correctly.

Before attempting to clean any of your CPAP machines’ parts, be sure to unplug it.

Wash the cushion and the mask, which come into contact with your face, each day with warm water and a mild dishwashing liquid. The mask should then be hung up someplace to air dry before being used once again.

Empty the heated humidifier chamber each day and replace it with brand-new water. You must make sure that you don’t let this water to stand for too long since bacteria love warm, wet conditions.

You should only use distilled water in your humidifier to avoid the buildup of hard mineral deposits.

The machine should be taken apart and thoroughly cleaned on a weekly basis, paying special attention to the hoses, filters, and chamber.

Be careful to read the manufacturer’s recommendations before changing your filter.

If you adhere to these guidelines, you will not only improve the performance and prolong the usable life of your equipment, but more importantly, you will contribute to your own health.

Additional positive airway pressure

A sleep expert may suggest various devices in addition to CPAP to treat sleep apnea.

To maintain the airway open, single-use Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP) devices fit over the nostrils and are less obtrusive and bulkier than CPAP machines. For patients with mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea, these may be beneficial.

Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP, also known as BPAP) devices may help people with central sleep apnea who require support with a poor breathing pattern or who have problems getting adjusted to CPAP.

As you sleep, this gadget automatically changes the pressure, raising it during breathing and lowering it during exhale. If the mask detects that you haven’t taken a breath in a certain amount of seconds, some BiPAP systems will also supply one.

Obstructive and central sleep apnea may both be treated using adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) systems. Your usual breathing pattern is recorded by the ASV gadget, which then automatically adjusts airflow pressure to eliminate breathing pauses while you’re sleeping.

Using dental appliances

It is becoming common to treat sleep apnea using specialist dental appliances. They are a fantastic alternative if you can’t use CPAP equipment even if they aren’t as effective as CPAP treatment since most people find them to be more pleasant.

Although there are other oral appliances that might be used to treat sleep apnea, the majority of them are made of acrylic and are either built to fit inside your mouth like an athletic mouth guard or to go around your head and chin to change the posture of your lower jaw.

The mandibular advancement device and the tongue holding device are two typical oral appliances. By moving your lower jaw or tongue forward as you sleep, these gadgets help you breathe more freely.

You need a variety of devices.

Finding the appliance that best fits you may need some experimenting given the wide variety of devices available. It’s also important to see the dentist on a regular basis to check for any issues and have the mouthpiece adjusted as needed. A dentist with experience in treating sleep apnea should install the mouthpiece.

Side effects of CPAP devices

Additional adverse effects of oral appliances include discomfort, saliva buildup, and permanent changes to the posture of the jaw, teeth, and mouth. In devices that are not placed correctly, they could be more hazardous.

More to read: Are your CPAP machines giving you issues?

Are your CPAP machines giving you issues?

Are your CPAP machines giving you issues?

Your airways are kept at a consistent air pressure by a medicine known as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). It prevents your upper airway from tightening as you sleep, making breathing easier. CPAP is a common treatment for acute heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP machine are reliable and perform effectively. However, some users report problems with the device that might make treatment more challenging. This article looks at strategies that might help you fix these problems and improve your CPAP experience.

Breathing Despite Pressure

One of the hardest adjustments to make when you first start is learning to breathe out against the pressure. Try lowering the pressure while turning on the machine. The pressure could rise gradually as you start to drift asleep. This is an illustration of a ramp function.

Some devices also include bi-level (BiPAP) or C-Flex options. Since they alternate between applying pressure during inhalation and exhalation, it is more akin to normal breathing.

See also: Can CPAP machines stay on overnight?

Air Breathing

Some CPAP users find swallowing air uncomfortable. Afterward, you can feel bloated or burp. This might mean that the pressure setting on your device is too high.

This may require fixing:

Reduce the pressure, buy a ramp pressure sensor, and do a new CPAP titration study to find a more suitable pressure setting.

Overcoming Claustrophobia

CPAP machines tend to cover your face. Because of the tight fit, some people feel smothered or suffocated. Your heart may begin to race at that thought. You may wish to remove the mask. Claustrophobia is indicated by each symptom.

To avoid this, some people buy masks that don’t cover their nose. Nasal pillows are a good example. Others use relaxation or distraction techniques like watching TV or listening to music. These methods help them gradually get used to the sensation of wearing a mask.

Taking Care of Condensation

When there is more moisture in the air, breathing could be more pleasurable. But sometimes, water stains develop within the CPAP tube. Your ventilation can get lessen as a result of the increased water. People who use heated humidifiers while sleeping in a cooler environment sometimes gripe about having too much moisture.

To get around this, lower your humidifier’s temperature. Put a blanket over the CPAP tube to try to keep it a bit warmer. Alternately, you might choose a more modern CPAP device with heated, climate-adjustable tubing.

Drying Out Your Mouth

The usage of CPAP machines shouldn’t result in dry mouth. If it does, the mask can be the reason why your mouth is opening. The airflow will stop and your mouth will get very dry in this circumstance.

To prevent this, try these:

  • Utilizing a heated humidifier
  • Wearing a chin strap to stop mouth opening
  • Wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose; talking with your doctor about adjusting the pressure setting on the machine.

Making Marks on Your Face

It is rather usual to have a few minor pressure marks on your face while using CPAP machines. If there are several marks, your mask could not fit well. Perhaps you might choose a different mask or try one in a different size.

Some people find it helpful to switch between several mask types from one night to the next in order to change the pressure locations. If your skin becomes sensitive, think about applying petroleum jelly or a face moisturizer to prevent abrasion. A barrier is created between your skin and the mask by the CPAP liners.

Nasal congestion prevention

People who have allergies, a deviated septum, or a history of nasal congestion may find it more difficult to breathe through their nose when using a CPAP mask.

Warm humidifiers or saline nasal sprays might sometimes help to open the nasal airways. Oral antihistamines or a prescription nasal spray may assist with persistent or seasonal allergies. 

For those who just are unable to breathe via their nose, there are alternative solutions that may be useful. You could benefit from a CPAP mask with a mouth and nose cover. Another option is a more contemporary oral CPAP mask that just applies pressure via the mouth. If these don’t work, you may want to consider trying new remedies.

Upon waking, you have dry, red eyes.

If your eyes are dry and bloodshot, it’s possible that air from your mask is getting into them as you sleep. To stop this, try lightly tightening the mask. You may need to look for a mask that suits you better if this doesn’t work. Saline eye drops may also help to lessen some of the itchiness and redness.

Chronic Illnesses

Use of CPAP machines often reduces excessive daytime sleepiness. Other people, however, can have recurrence of symptoms over time.

If this occurs, make sure your equipment is providing the correct pressure by checking it. It may also be necessary to do new titration studies in order to find a better pressure. When people age or endure weight changes, the initial pressure setting could no longer be suitable. It could need tweaking.

I detest using a CPAP mask when I sleep at night. It’s pretty unpleasant.

Don’t worry if using a CPAP mask while sleeping at night makes it difficult to unwind or fall asleep. Many new CPAP users report having a similar experience. The loudness from the CPAP mask and machine is another issue raised by some new users. Getting acclimated to your CPAP machines can take some time.

There is no avoiding it. 

Try wearing your CPAP mask casually about the home, even while you’re not getting ready for bed, to get more used to using it. You’ll gradually begin to become accustomed to the way your mask feels, which will make it easier for you to wear it while doing your routine.

Try using the gadget while you read or watch TV to get acclimated to the machine’s noises and the compressed air. Since you’ll be getting used to the sensation of compressed air and wearing your mask, this will help make your CPAP simpler to bear. As you do this more often, falling asleep will become simpler.

You’ll eventually be able to fall asleep with the mask on and the machine running while getting ready for bed and just wear the mask and utilize it then. This procedure should take a few weeks or months. It will be simpler to get there as you practice more.

Even when I use my CPAP machine, I still snore. What should I do?

Even on evenings when you utilize your CPAP machines, snoring is a symptom that your treatment is ineffective. You shouldn’t notice much noise coming from the soft tissues of the airway since CPAP treatment works like an invisible splint to keep the airway open.

You may need to ask your doctor to raise your CPAP pressure if you hear snoring while using your CPAP machines. It’s also crucial to review the outcomes of your night’s sleep data, with special focus on your AHI.

If your AHI consistently exceeds 5, your CPAP machine’s pressure setting isn’t appropriate for your requirements.

Changing from CPAP machines to Auto CPAP machines can be a solution. With one important exception, APAP machines are exactly like CPAP machines. APAP devices choose the ideal pressure for you on their own.

The APAP machine adjusts the pressure to be precisely what you need when you need it as your breathing fluctuates throughout the night. Since APAP devices automatically adjust the pressure, they may be more successful in reducing snoring than CPAPs.


CPAP equipment is a tried-and-true treatment for those with respiratory problems. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have problems. The pressure setting might be the cause of a number of problems. Others include a mask that doesn’t exactly fit right or a problem with the tubing. The treatment might become more challenging due to other medical conditions. If you are having problems with your CPAP machines, see your healthcare provider. You could discover an easy technique to help you sleep better.

Your airways are kept at a consistent air pressure by a medicine known as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). It prevents your upper airway from tightening as you sleep, making breathing easier. CPAP is a common treatment for acute heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP devices are dependable and effective. However, some users report problems with the device that might make treatment more challenging. Please feel free to read it over again.

Can CPAP machines stay on overnight?

Can CPAP machines stay on overnight?

While getting used to sleeping with CPAP machines, it is common to experience anxiety or uncomfortable. You should prepare for this. There is always a way to receive the peaceful sleep you need in order to live the life you want, as someone learns how to adapt to sleeping with a sleep apnea treatment device every single day. 

You may learn how to change your body and sleep pattern to your new treatment on your own terms by using the following tactics as you discover how to adapt your body to the new therapy.

If you’re new to using cpap machines while you sleep, making good habits and following the right measures will help you get used to the equipment more quickly and get more rest as you become used to your new routine.

Establish a regular sleep schedule.

You need to have your sleep apnea treated if you want to keep up your current level of health and wellbeing. Since sleep is so crucial, some sleep specialists are even going as far as to recommend sleep as a medication and counsel patients to practice good sleep hygiene, which includes getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Many people these days utilize sleep as medicine.

What is good sleep hygiene? It entails a series of actions that must be taken in order to promote restful sleep. Try to generally abide by these principles:

To remind yourself that it is time to get ready for bed, establish a nighttime ritual. Avoid using TVs, phones, or laptops throughout this process if as all possible. Don’t work out just before night; do it throughout the day. Caffeine should not be consumed in the late afternoon or evening. To avoid “rebound insomnia,” avoid consuming alcohol before bed.

Put the mask on as soon as you’re ready.

When you first start using CPAP machines, it’s important to take things slowly and get used to it on your own terms because it can be difficult to get used to them. The first step is to try wearing the mask for brief periods of time during the day, especially when you are not tired, to see if it is comfortable for you to wear. After that, put the mask on to get used to the sensation of wearing it on your face while engaging in a pleasurable activity, such as watching television or reading a book.

To obtain the perfect amount of comfort for you, you may find that you need to make a few modest modifications to the pressure or humidifier settings. In order to provide you the most effective treatment possible, your sleep expert and the firm that makes the equipment will have adjusted all of the pressure settings. 

Keep in mind that you may utilize a variety of masks, some of which may be more comfortable for you to wear than others. Look into your possibilities to choose the face mask that most closely matches your requirements.

Ensure that your mask fits comfortably.

You must ensure that wearing your mask is comfortable for you, as was just said, but it’s conceivable that you’ll need to make a few tiny tweaks to ensure that it fits you well. The seal and the comfort must both be adjusted carefully and accurately. 

Standing in front of a mirror while wearing your mask is a smart idea to make sure it is properly positioned on your face. After putting the mask on and finding a comfortable position, you may connect the tubing to the CPAP machine before connecting the machine to the mask.

Additionally, try it when you are lying down since your face may shift and it will be more difficult to keep a secure seal all night. The sleep apnea treatment will thus be as successful as it is humanly able.

When you’re tired and at ease, get some rest.

Because we often utilize our beds for activities other than sleeping, contemporary society has problems with sleep. We have our phones, laptops, and TVs on, all of which might keep us awake and prevent us from being tired or relaxed enough to go asleep easily. 

You’ll want to create ideal sleeping conditions, especially while you’re getting used to your CPAP therapy, so that you can enjoy the high-quality sleep you’ll get after your untreated sleep apnea is under control. You’ll be able to get the type of sound sleep you’ll experience after your sleep apnea symptoms are gone thanks to this.

Make every effort to avoid talking about sensitive subjects that can cause worry or adrenaline, both of which are detrimental to getting a good night’s sleep. Also, avoid dealing with anything that generates blue light, such as electronic devices. To concentrate on getting some rest, do your best to block off your troubles from your mind.

Try doing something that helps you feel serene and collected in your thoughts to make the atmosphere around you more tranquil. To relax, take a shower or bathe in the tub. To relax, turn on some calming music or put on an audiobook. Before going to bed, consider engaging in some relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. Whatever you decide, the most important thing is to make sure that your bedroom is a peaceful, distraction-free space.

Although you don’t need to use CPAP machines or have sleep apnea in order to follow these tips and tricks for wonderful sleep, you are required to in order to include any kind of medical equipment into your regular sleep pattern. 

These are just a few ways you may speed up the process of getting adjusted to your new CPAP machine so that you can start sleeping better more quickly. The CPAP machine you are receiving is intended to enhance your sleep, and the techniques stated above are just a few.

I’m having trouble using my CPAP machine to fall asleep.

It’s important to understand the cause if using your CPAP machines causes you to have trouble falling asleep. The straps may be too tight. Do the mask and hose prevent you from sleeping in your preferred position? Is the noise excessive? You can be having trouble sleeping because of all of these reasons. You might try relaxing the straps if they are too tight to check whether you still have a good seal. That may make it more comfy.

Consider purchasing a CPAP pillow, which is specially made to make your chosen sleeping position compatible with CPAP, if the mask and hose are preventing you from sleeping in your preferred position.

Buying a mask with a low decibel output may help you fall asleep more easily since the CPAP machine generates the majority of the noise.

I put on my CPAP before I nod out. What ought I to do?

You won’t benefit from CPAP treatment if you fall asleep before turning on your CPAP machines. You’ll need to be alert for indicators that you’re going to nod off in order to avoid this. Are you breathing differently? Do your eyes ever feel tired? When you’re awake, do you snore?

You’ll be much more cooperative with your treatment if you opt to turn on your machine as soon as you realize you’re ready to nod off. Compliance is crucial because it increases your chances of reaping the long-term benefits of effective CPAP treatment.

Start using your CPAP machines right away. Start consistently utilizing your CPAP machines as the next step.

My AHI is still high even though I use CPAP machines every night.

There are a few things you may do if you diligently use your CPAP machines every night but don’t experience any of the advantages, such as more energy, less weariness, or a sensation of being well-rested.

1. Alternate Sleep Positions. The worst sleeping position for CPAP treatment is on your back. If you lie on your back to sleep, gravity naturally helps to shut the airway. Because of this, your CPAP needs to work harder while still perhaps failing to provide you a restful night’s sleep. 

When you turn to sleeping on your side, gravity helps naturally maintain your airway open and works with you rather than against you. As a result, your treatment may once again be successful, and your CPAP will need to work much less hard to open your airway.

2. CPAP pressure settings should be raised. You may need to raise your therapeutic pressure if your CPAP isn’t functioning and you’ve tried sleeping on your side. To help your CPAP machines perform a better job of opening your airway, you’ll need your doctor to adjust the pressure settings on your machine to a higher level.


While CPAP machines is an excellent tool for treating sleep apnea, it must be constantly cared for and maintained to be in the optimum condition for both you and it. If you are using your CPAP machines properly, you should wear it for eight hours each night on average. During this time, your gadget will be exposed to the air in the room, your breath, humidifying moisture, pathogens, and a variety of other microscopic particles.

Because of this risk, you must periodically clean the whole CPAP machine, but it’s particularly important to clean your hose or tubing, which may otherwise become a breeding ground for bacteria.